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HighFinesse Linewidth Analyzer

Laser Noise
Characterization Made Easy

User Interface Linewidth Analyzer LWA-1k

The Ultra-Low Noise Analyzer to measure, analyze and control your laser. Determine frequency noise, phase noise, visualize laser linewidth and linewidth shape and analyze power spectral density.

This all-in-one instrument gives you the possibility to easily replace your delay line and reduce laser noise.

Replace Delay Line Reduce Laser Noise

Replace Your Delay Line

Beside the LWA approach, homo- and heterodyne delay-line techniques are commonly used for linewidth determination. The experimental setup necessary for this procedure is rather complex to build and requires several optical components.

Simulate delay lines up to

Simulation of delay lines up to 3000 km

Using optical delay lines will lead to distorted spectra with non-trivial evaluation needs. HighFinesse LWA yields the laser spectrum without approximation, allowing the most accurate characterization of laser noise.

The superior, user-friendly and cost-effective solution to avoid time-consuming delays in line creation.

Too Much Laser Noise?
Just Reduce It.

HighFinesse LWA is an effective instrument to determine different noise sources that influence laser frequency and stability. Providing the complete laser noise spectrum from 10 Hz up to 10 MHz, the LWA enables the identification of noise sources by means of their characteristic peaks.

Spectral Density of Frequency
Fluctuations Exemplary Plot

1) Power grid and supply noise    2) Acoustic and vibrational noise    3) Servo bumps from laser frequency stabilization

Infographic Noise Reduction

The analysis of prominent noise peaks is an
effective tool for reducing laser frequency noise, stabilizing laser frequency and improving the performance of the laser.

HighFinesse LWA Series

Analyzing Narrow-
and Broadband Lasers

Icon Measurement Range 450 – 1625 nm


Icon Up to Realtime Analysis

Up to Realtime

Icon Control & Reduce Linewidth

Control & Reduce

Evaluate frequency & phase noise,
RIN, linewidth, and lineshape

Icon Detailed Analysis

Look at the power spectral density chart to identify and evaluate the noise sources affecting your laser – to know if it‘s there, is the first step to reduce it.

Measuring laser noise has never been easier

The real-time signal output offers the option for a fast feedback loop that can be used to actively reduce the frequency noise and the linewidth of the laser. The evaluation and control of these parameters play a crucial role in all applications where low noise lasers are required.

Typical applications

Typical applications include quality control in laser manufacturing, laser characterization, optical frequency metrology, quantum technology, holography, fiber optic sensing.

Combining user-friendliness with high precision, the LWA enables a new level of comfort in laser characterization.

More Details and Specs